Manage Building Changes & As-Builts

Update your as-built drawings or link to new drawings to reflect tenant improvements, asset replacements, renovations, and more.

Create interactive maps showing all the building changes (renovations, improvements, upgrades) with linked as-builts.

Add markups and hyperlinks – easy-to-use markup tools help you keep your drawings up to date.

SiteLine Allows You to

Update Your As-Built Drawings

screenshot of siteline software

Your Online Archive 

Collect, organize, store, and search all data and documents associated with building changes in one place through the building life cycle.

screenshot of siteline software

Easy to add new or missing assets

Quickly add new or missing assets to any drawing ensuring accurate and up-to-date drawings.

screenshot of siteline software

Add markups and hyperlinks

Easy-to-use markup tools help you keep your drawings up to date.

screenshot of siteline software

No BIM? No Problem.

How can you digitally transform your existing buildings for smart facility management workflows? Is BIM necessary for creating a Digital Twin?

Start with 5 Simple Steps →

Take building management to the next level.